Elm Wood Primary School

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Inclusion and Safeguarding

Keeping Safe

Welcome to Elm Wood Primary School. We are committed to keeping staff, students and visitors safe whilst on our premises. Whether you are a regular partner with the school, or this is your first time visiting us, this leaflet will help keep you safe from any misunderstanding or misconceptions whilst you are on site.

Please do

  • Complete all signing in/out procedures on arrival and when you leave.
  • Provide your DBS details if this is a requirement.
  • If you hear the fire alarm (loud siren) or evacuation alarm (intermittent siren) make your way to the nearest exit and gather in the designated area (this is the school playground or running track area). You will be directed by school staff in order to follow the correct procedure.
  • Ensure you follow all basic Health and Safety guidelines.
  • Be aware that any verbal interaction with children can be easily misinterpreted therefore, please take care to confine yourself to the purpose of the visit.
  • Please inform a member of staff immediately if any interaction with a child may be a cause for concern, such as volunteering personal information or being over familiar.

Please do not

  • Give any student any personal information such as, phone numbers or email addresses.
  • Involve yourself in any issues relating to student behaviour. Please inform a member of staff if you see or hear something that causes concern.
  • Under any circumstances arrange to make contact outside of school, with any student who you have met during your visit.
  • Engage in any form of social media (Twitter/Facebook) whilst on the premises.
  • Use a mobile phone in any areas where students are present – use is restricted to areas where contractors may work or offices/reception.
  • Take, with a phone or camera, any images of students.

The named Designated Safeguarding Leads are: Victoria Goodall (Pastoral Officer), Gemma Holt (Head Teacher) and Lindsay Rodgers (Deputy Head)

The Deputy Safeguarding Leads are: Rebecca Peel (Learning Mentor) Kim Butterworth (DHT - 4 days) Joanne Cantello (AHT) Elisabeth Learoyd (AHT) and Louise Hawkins (After School Club)

If you are in any doubt about the safety and wellbeing of yourself or the students at Elm Wood Primary school, please let a member of staff know immediately.

Mrs G Holt (Headteacher)