Elm Wood Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Attendance- Please help us to achieve our aim of above 96% attendance across the school.

Attendance- Please help us to achieve our aim of above 96% attendance across the school.

13 May 2023 (by admin)

At Elm Wood we are striving to achieve above 96% attendance across the school.  Our attendance policy has been recently updated and this, alongside all other policies, can be found under the policies section.

Any children who are below 95% are missing a significant part of learning.  Regular attendance is extremely important as missing school does have an impact on learning and academic progress and social skills.   School will be monitoring any pupils' attendance below 95% to see if there is an improvement, if not, school will now be following a graduated approach where the following steps will be put into place:

  1. Letters home to show decline/improved attendance.
  2. Phone call to discuss any issues and support required from school.
  3. Home visits.
  4. Referred to pastoral support team for additional support where necessary.
  5. Discuss whether an attendance support plan is beneficial.
  6. Referral to school nurse if there are any medical needs.
  7. Referral to Local Authority.

If you wish to know your child's current attendance, please contact school and speak to a member of our office team.