Elm Wood Primary School

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Pupil Premium 

Pupil Premium – What is it?

Pupil Premium is a government grant, designed to support schools in raising the attainment of children who are eligible (or have been eligible in the past 6 years) to receive Free School Meals and those who are in Local Authority Care (CFC).  Funding is allocated to schools based on the number of children who meet the criteria.  Schools can decide how to use this funding and are required to report publicly how the money has been spent.

Statement of Intent

At Elm Wood, we are fully committed to ensuring that every child makes as much progress as possible and achieves well so that they are ready for their next stage in education. This ultimately will close the gap between disadvantaged children and their peers. We want to provide all pupils with a curriculum which focuses on creating a wide range of learning opportunities to match the needs of individuals.

Many of our disadvantaged pupils face numerous challenges, such as: those with a social worker or those with a special educational need. For some of our pupils, progress in terms of behaviour and social interaction is the key to success for progress in other areas.

High quality teaching of all pupils is at the heart of our approach with a particular focus on supporting disadvantaged pupils when necessary and appropriate. We recognise that the intended outcomes detailed below will have a wider impact on all pupils at the school and not just those that are disadvantaged.

We are committed to evidence informed practice and will base all decisions relating to Pupil Premium upon robust evidence and professional expertise.

Our key principle in supporting disadvantaged pupils is:

  • To Ensure that all disadvantaged pupils continue to make, at least, expected progress through both high quality teaching and early targeted support through specific interventions.


Click HERE for the pupil premium report 2023 2024